April 16, 2014

Hair security alert, level orange! Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditoner now contains dimethicone.

It's a sad, sad day in the neighborhood. Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Balance Moisturizing Conditioner has gotten a makeover. Apart from its snazzy new design, it has swapped its parabens for silicones, but TJ's is banking on its consumer base preferring one unnatural substance over another. It's all greek yogurt to me, but here's TJ's informal response to the outrage, via NaturallyCurly.com:
(photo from Lacocobella.com)

"Dear Tricia,

Thank you so much for contacting us, and thank you so much for this very important product feedback. We are so incredibly sorry for any disappointment you have experienced in regards to this product's new formula. When we decided to revise this line to remove its parabens, we also decided to add a few improvements to the formulas - including argan oil & dimethicone, which we intended to moisturize and smooth/protect the hair, respectively. We are so sorry that this change does not feel much like an improvement at all to you, and we will most certainly be passing your comments along to our buyers for consideration!


Customer Relations
Trader Joe's"

I am really upset that Trader Joe's has forsaken my vanity for other people's insanity. The cheapest, best conditioner ever to co-wash my hair is no longer with us. Let's have a moment of silence, and remember our best times with Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Balance Moisturizing Conditioner.
May it rest in peace.

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