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Help! I need somebody (not just anybody)!

WTF? What is no-poo? What is 3c? What does BKT stand for? and other terms explained.

Here is a natural hair dictionary from Curly Nikki. Some very helpful terms there.

Here are some abbreviations frequently used on

I am a frequenter (is that a word?) of these blogs:

the beauty brains - generally useful, although not as much nowadays as when the blog was started up. Still, the backlog of info is great for people looking for honest info related to the beauty industry or budding cosmetic chemists. Perry Romanowski, cosmetic chemist extraordinaire, joggler, and local Chicago celebrity, is the "brains" behind the site.

Colin's beauty pages - I think Colin is pretty awesome. he may get into some sticky situations with some hippy-dippy bloggers, but he is unapologetic and frank, regardless of who says what. He's also very bright, and I really dig his (sometimes unintentional) humor: be as blonde as possible - this was literally the funniest thing I had read in a while. It's genius.

JC at the Natural Haven: JC makes me happy. She is a scientist. She embraces natural hair, yet she does not propagate age old hair myths that seem to pop up all over the beauty blogging interweb. She backs up everything with science, then one-ups scientists who haven't done their research!

Rowena from beauty and the bullshit: tell me you have heard a better bedtime story than the brush brush-off with L'Ucifer. Seriously. I dare you. I am sort of in love with her, and I wish she posted more and more often. If I was a pirate and I had blogger prisoners, I would trade them all for one Rowena.

I also frequently find myself looking for answers on the LHCF and Naturally Curly. Usually, I don't find them, and that is partially responsible for this blog.

I also like Little Golden Lamb. I think it is partially because she always references her little, golden self. It's kind of adorable.

Curly Nikki is a go to in desperate situations. I feel like the forum aspect of the site lets in some misinformation occasionally. Totally not Nikki's fault. She is the bees knees. She is so gorgeous, and her hair is so awesome, it kind of makes me want to quit the internet.

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